Training Partners
WorkforceAI training partners provide a wide range of learning options and training services that include technical and professional services, advanced coding, new coding methods, training in new technologies, professional training including leadership, management, design thinking and many of the latest technology developments and techniques.
Training Partner Services
A variety of training services are available to customers that include :
- Online Training
- Offsite or Onsite Classroom Training
- Customized Training Programs
- Business Consultatation

Types of Training Available
Training partners who offer the following types of services are encouraged to sign up as a partner with the WorkforceAI :
- Coding and Programming Languages
- Cloud and Cyber Security
- Systems Software
- Microservices
- Methods and Practices
- Tools and Facilities
- AI, Machine Learning, Blockchain, IoT, Robotics
- Project Management
- Business and Data Analytics
Types of Training Programs
Our training partners offer both online and in-person training services.
A sample of the broad range of training available include advanced training in :
- Cyber Security Frameworks : Basic and advanced methods
- Nocode, Low code computing
- Software Engineering
- Systems Administration
- Cloud Infrastructure Management
- Front End / Back End Design And Development
- SaaS Development and Scalability
- Scripting Languages : Perl, Javascript, Python, PHP, Ruby, Groovy, NodeJS
- Android, IoS, apps development
- Customer Support Service
- Responsive Design
Contact Us
Contact us today to discuss how you can partner with us to offer training services in agile IT methods to our customers.