WorkforceAI Positioning
Unique Positioning : WorkforceAI NextGen HR generative AI-powered platform provides executives the vital data they need to make critical HR decisions that build competitiveness through people. It enables decision-makers in large and mid-sized organizations to outperform the competition by maintaining in-house workforce readiness that continuously minimize changing skills gaps.
In-house Workforce Readiness : The platform differs from most other solution providers in human resources who have traditionally focused on recruitment. While important, these are regarded as indirect competitors.
Minimize Changing Skills Gaps : Skills gaps are dynamic as they expand as new technologies and updates roll out, and shrink as employees are upskilled. WorkforceAI enables the organization to future-proof its workforce by continuously minimizing these skills gaps.
New Job roles and Skills Focus : With intense competition for new skills across all major industries and sectors today, some HR technology solution providers have adapted their solutions to address this shift. WorkforceAI was built with this focus from the ground up.

Latest Technologies : Some older competitors have scrambled to adapt AI into their technology solutions. Our more recent WorkforceAI platform is designed to make best use of AI and addresses the broader scope of skills management data that high-level decision-makers more urgently needed today.
A word of caution : Properly identifying skills gaps on an ongoing basis is a strategic imperative. Whichever solution you choose, make sure you get a complete up-to-date skills inventory. It's the basic starting point for successfully managing your in-house people skills. If you don't know where you are skills-wise, moving forward becomes guesswork!
Check these links to see how WorkforceAI stacks up against the competition :We update these comparisons as major changes are identified on an as needed basis
WorkforceAI vs BeameryWorkforceAI vs Skyhive
WorkforceAI vs Gloat
WorkforceAI vs EightfoldAI
WorkforceAI vs 365 Talent

It's fast, accurate and continuously updated.
We have yet to identify any direct competitors to WorkforceAI. These comparisons are mostly with indirect competitors, based on data available from their company's websites and information provided by different review services.
Compare the following factors :
- NextGen HR Tech
- Scalability - Team => Branch => Organization
- AI :Focus on internal workforce intelligence
- FREE Skills inventory
- KPIs : Justify Geared to C-Suite and HR expenditures
- Direct customer support
- Better ROI
- Continuous skills upgrades refresh
- New Job roles and Skills
- Data security and integrity
- Branding in every version
- Velocity
Higher retention with Gig pool, opportunities, employee mobility
- Low learning curve
- Friendly design UI
- Integrations
Reference supportive 3rd party articles and ours also
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Call us today to inquire more about how our unique methodology can help you cut the loss of productivity, reduce time-to -market and speed up your IT Transformation.