COMPARE WorkforceAI Skyhive
About A NextGen HR platform designed for C-Suite decision-makers to continuously align HR strategy with business goals and workforce readiness. Human Capital Operating Systemâ„¢ that gathers and analyses data on the labor markets. Initiatives designed for individuals to match skills with organization's needs.
Main purpose To provide critical decision-making data on the organization's skills and competencies that align with key business outcomes. Use their API to build bespoke applications from labor market statistics.
Target Audience C-Suite executives responsible for strategic approach to HR technology decision-making Corporations, governments, and schools while championing global reskilling.
Ease of Implementation Simple setup with useful results in 24-48 hours. An AI-driven SaaS platform offers fast startup and useful skills data for driving HR decision. Successful startup requires extensive user training as well as some technical knowledge to use the solution.
Ease of Use An intuitive dashboard to easily pinpoint workforce gaps and suggest improvements. Easy access to training and upskilling services. Reviews include usability issues and significant training required to master the functions and features of this platform.
Ease of Admin Automated processes that minimize Admins time and effort to perform key HR processes. Ongoing assistance of experts for changes in configuration.
Learning curve Close collaboration to get you going. Simple dashboard with hints to learn as you go. AI-driven chat for fast response to questions. Other support options provided. Users need advanced training and support to become proficient on the application usage.
While Label Branding This is a standard feature included for all customer subscription types. White label not available in standard setup.
HR Decision-making KPIs Collects data to support advanced KPIs that show HR department's contribution to organizational strategy and business goals attainment. KPIs for recruitment to source the right talent faster for critical projects. Matches applicants with organization's skills needs to identify potential matches.
AI adoption and Usage Generative AI widely deployed to correlate organizational data like financial and people skills with business goals. Example: dynamic identification of new and emerging job roles and skills. Extract skills from resumes. Manage talent acquisition based on skills and labor market data.
FREE Trial FREE Trial, on signup. Also a free skills inventory provided. No free trial offered
Scalability Scale up thousands of employees' skills and competencies data. From Team to Company Branch level up to Organization level continuously tracked. Offers an enterprise version to customers to build bespoke applications.
Strategy, Velocity & Agility Decision-makers define HR strategy and related goals. Built-in agility to track and evaluate goals attainment. No facility to define organization HR strategy and associated goals.
Assemble Project Teams Ability to assemble teams quickly. Online access to internal employee data pool for mobility and skills-competency deployment. Work-intensive ways to manually collect and update employee profile data before management is able to assemble teams.
Teams Management Easily factor team leaders performance appraisals to identify and assess critical/core/soft skills,. Simplifies team member assessments, identifies member preferences and incorporates employee feedback. No facilities for in-house employees or mobility tracking
HR Talent Strategy A people_centric, skills-first strategy with participation and involvement of stakeholders, CEO and C-Suite executives. Focus on alignment with business strategy. General AI-driven workforce planning for continuous insights around when to hire or up-skill.
Skills Inventory A FREE skills inventory, the basic component needed to plan the workforce strategy. Decision-makers have timely and accurate data on skills and competencies continuously refreshed to pivot forward. Requires six months or more to identify the skills of 80 percent of employees. No capability to continuously refresh full skills inventory.
Critical Skill and Competencies Track critical, core and soft skills at the employee level. Automatically aggregates data from individual to team, branch and organization levels. No facilities for skills and competency tracking for in-house employees.
Skills Gaps Uses generative AI to evaluate business strategy. Identifies organization-wide, team or individual skills gaps based on real data from in-house skills and competencies. Assess resumes to determine applicant skills gaps. Uses a labor market stats facility to provide recommendations on skills gaps.
Employee Mobility Facilitate and track employee mobility within the organization in near real time. Recognizes the need for reskilling to enhance internal mobility but no solution available at this time.
Internal Gig Pool Built-in facilities for managing an internal gig pool from which people can be assigned to opportunities. Cuts idle time, enables higher retention, opens opportunities and enhances employee mobility. No facilities for in-house employee gigs, opportunities or mobility tracking.
Leadership Identification Tracks soft skills to help early identification of leadership potential. No facility for tracking leadership potential among employees
Training and Consultation A multitude of third party providers. Services range from online, classroom, one-one as well as HR and business consultation. Partners with Workday and Grab for HR and recruitment.
ROI Customers typically see a minimum 5X ROI in first year increasing to 10X or more after 3 years. No data provided except cost reduction in anti-financial crime and replacing manual tasks with AI.
Pricing Simple fixed price based on size of the organization. Must evaluate using cost of subscription plus cost of building own application vs estimated benefit.
Customer Support Option for dedicated experts to deliver one-on-one support on demand. Basic support also available at no extra cost. Must contact them for explanation on customer support.